Welcome to Life Stream Church!
What We Believe

Belief Statements
1. Trinity - We Believe in the one living and true God, the Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
2. Scripture - We Believe the Bible is fully inspired by God, written by human authors through divine revelation.
3. Salvation - We Believe every person who has ever lived or will live has sinned and made mistakes, which results in separation from God and ultimately leads to death. Through the grace of God, we have the ability to choose life through the sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf. We do this by confessing our sins and receiving Salvation through Jesus.
4. Christian Living - We Believe transformed life happens through the power of the Holy Spirit and following the example set for us by Jesus Christ. This leads us to continually pursue God, and a deeper relationship with Him through prayer and knowledge of His word.
5. The Church - We Believe that the church is the entire body of believers who gather in His name. The purpose of the church is to encourage one another as we build community and share our faith in Jesus Christ.
6. Baptism/Communion - We Believe in acts of faith such as Baptism and Communion. These next steps in faith are a part of our Christian life in Jesus Christ.
a. Baptism is an outward sign of an inward work. As a person is lowered into the water and raised out again, it represents Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection.
b. Communion is an act of remembrance of Jesus’ shed blood for humanity. The bread represents Jesus’ body, and the cup represents his blood. It is practiced in the community as a sign of our thanksgiving to God and our hope in his victorious return.
7. Evangelism - We Believe being a follower of Jesus will lead us to share our faith with those around us. This comes not just from the words we say but also through the life we live.
Life Stream is part of The Wesleyan Church heritage, which is one of many great denominations taking ground for the kingdom of God. The Wesleyan Church has its roots in the abolitionist movement and the fight for women's suffrage.
Our denomination has always looked to Scripture as its cornerstone for establishing the positions we hold on important issues.
Learn more about The Wesleyan Church here. For additional information on other areas of interest check out the link.